Wisdom of Winter



NEW PROGRAMME 2 Nov-14 Dec 2020



New Programme of Yoga and Meditation

Following the wisdom of winter does not come easy for most of us. Just the thought of long, dark nights, harsh weather and bleakness can be overwhelming. I know I felt the same before I started exploring the changing of the seasons in a meaningful way. I would relish spring and summer for the growth, ease and expansion it offered and autumn for its beauty and lessons of letting go, but winter was a season to ‘grin and bear’ and get through as quickly as possible, not really pausing to take in its wisdom.


Do you feel similar? Is winter something that feels like a battle to you? Do you feel a heaviness or sluggishness, find it difficult to stay motivated? Or perhaps experience sadness, the ‘winter blues’ and long for spring to arrive?


After spending 10 years planting trees (winter is tree planting season!) and observing the Celtic Wheel of the Year, I have come to really know and feel the wisdom of winter so that I actually look forward to this time. From studying mindfulness and neuroscience I also know that we have the capacity to rewire our brains for positivity and growth rather than relying on the habitual, often conditioned habits that keep us stuck in old ways of thinking, behaving and feeling.


So, I am excited to be bringing you this unique programme of yoga and meditation to help cultivate a deep awareness, respect and love of winter (yes, it’s possible!). My Following the Wisdom of Winter programme will be a seven-week journey to awaken within you, your innate capacity to be mindful of how winter can be a beautiful time of year to gather your inner resources and go deep within yourself as nature does, in order to show up fully to this one precious life.

Here's what you can expect each week:

Week 1 w/c 2 Nov - Introduction to Following the Wisdom of Winter

‘Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.’

~ Thoreau


To move through each season in the same way is to ignore the opportunities they each uniquely offer us. Winter is no different. It offers us rest, renewal, nourishment and taking stock. In our 24/7 world it may seem impossible to slow down but giving yourself just 1% of what winter offers will make a huge difference to your wellbeing.


This week will be an introduction to the programme where we will explore any habitual thoughts or beliefs that we may be holding onto about how we feel about winter and look at techniques for both on and off the mat, to begin to widen our perspective, to gain an appreciation for winter and see if there are any shifts we can make in our daily life so we can following the wisdom of winter rather than fight against it.


Week 2 w/c 9 Nov - Balance & Harmony

‘What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.’

~John Steinbeck


Balancing the yin and yang of life is so important for health and wellbeing. The two may be very different, yet they need each other in order for everything to harmonize and achieve balance. During this week we’ll exploring befriending the darkness and seeing it as an opportunity to become more conscious of the inner workings of our mind. We will use balance poses and breath work to deepen our understanding of how balance creates harmony in our inner and outer world.


Week 3 w/c 16 Nov - Reflect, Release, Renew

‘If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.’

~Anne Bradstreet


It is said that it is often winter that speaks loudest. It is a time to deepen our understanding of ourselves and reflect on where we’ve been, what we’ve achieved and learnt, the parts of ourselves that are ready to release so that new growth is possible. Our busy lives often do not allow us to have even the smallest notion of completion. This week we’ll imitate the wisdom of the tree in winter by letting go of unnecessary baggage so that we have space to nurture and nourish that which is really important to us.


Week 4 w/c 23 Nov - Clarity & Perspective

‘Our inward winters take many forms – failure, betrayal, depression, death… But, for me, winter has a greater gift to give. It comes when the sky is clear, the sun brilliant, the trees bare... It is the gift of utter clarity. Winter clears the landscape, however brutally, giving us a chance to see ourselves and each other more clearly, to see the very ground of our being.’

~Parker J. Palmer


Our yoga and mindfulness practice is like going into a darkened room and gradually turning up a dimmer switch so that the light reveals more and more of what is in the room. We may see many useful and important things, but we may also see all kinds of junk piled up in the dusty corners!


This week will be all about allowing, not fighting reality and using techniques such as gratitude and loving kindness to open out our lens of awareness. In doing this we invite in true appreciation and optimism for this one precious life.


Week 5 w/c 30 Nov - Natural Flow & Ease

'People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.' ~ Anton Chekhov


How many times have you rushed ahead not really knowing where you’re going, what you’re doing or why? Just ticking things off your endless to do list and getting to the end of the day feeling depleted and as if something is missing, thinking that there must be more to this life?


Winter teaches us to slow down, to pause and to enjoy the journey instead of rushing ahead and missing out on all the little details and intricacies that bring us joy.  This week we will explore how it feels to pause, even among the busyness and all the doing, and how we can bring this into everyday life to create a natural flow and ease.


Week 6 w/c 7 Dec - Inner Glow

‘In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.’

~Albert Camus


We all have our own inner light that we are born with. We see it in young children and gradually over time it dims. Our practices can help bring it back alive so this week we’ll stoke the inner flame by having greater awareness of our meaning and purpose in life and our values that ultimately lead to fulfilment. We’ll also come home to our unique selves and experience a natural sense of energy, inspiration, creativity and confidence.



Week 7 w/c 14 Dec - Hibernation

‘I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.’

~ Lewis Carroll


As we move from late autumn to winter, we sense that nature has gone inside, she’s releasing back down into the earth, into her roots to strengthen from the inside out. As I planted bulbs this September, I thought of how long these little bulbs will be underground for and how they need the cold and dark to prepare and be able to bloom this coming spring.


We are like those bulbs! We need the cold and dark, the rest and stillness to be able to grow and flourish in our lives. This week we will focus our attention on being rather than doing so that we can enter the festive season feeling well and happy from the inside.

More about Louise Neicho

I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years and teaching for 8 and have completed around 1000hrs of teacher training. I can honestly say that yoga has saved my life on more than one occasion and I don’t think I would be the person I am today if it wasn’t for my practice.

My fascination with the human brain has also started to seep into my practice and teachings and I’m excited to be currently studying an MSc in Mindfulness and Neuroscience this year. To bring all of this together is simply a dream come true and I hope you will join me on this unique and special during this winter.


Here’s what others are saying about Louise’s teachings


~ Orla Mackie

‘I love the way Louise can lift me and put wind under my wings, no matter how I am feeling, once I walk off the mat!

I have quite a few lower back issues all my life and I was wary of Yoga, but Louise ALWAYS suggests an alternative that is just as good and does not make me feel, I am not good enough to be in that class!

She talks through every move at the perfect tempo, and always remembers to tell us when to exhale, which I have found some teachers forget and I keep holding my breath!

The little examples she provides, to explain better what she is trying to convey are so simple yet so effective and personal. She brings Meditation down to day to day living, experiences and struggles that we all deal with.

I love the different types of classes to suit everyone and the huge variety in times offered.

Thanks a million Louise. I would be a very different person at the end of the Lockdown if it hadn't been for your Saving Yoga Classes!’


~ Gwladys Morin

'Lou has a gift. A gift for words and spiritual kindness. I love that Lou's yin yoga classes have a strong element of mindfulness. I LOVE her classes - they have been a blessing during this period of lockdown and will be key as lockdown is eased and one has to go through another period of change adapting to the new normal.'


~ Virginia Bird

‘Louise is an excellent teacher who makes you feel at ease very quickly. She has a lovely personality. She’s clear and friendly and keeps instructions simple. The yoga practices are accessible to all levels and abilities due to her giving variations on each pose. She combines good poses with helpful mindfulness teaching. I am 60 and my daughter is a full time athlete of 25, yet we can both enjoy her classes together. I would recommend her unreservedly.’


~ Gillian Hall

‘The on-line classes provide the perfect opportunity to practice yoga in the comfort of your home.  I find being able to move straight from the yin class or a yoga nidra to my bed means I drop off to sleep quickly and wake really refreshed and full of energy the next day.’


~ Julie O’Shea

‘I have really benefited from increasing my yoga classes recently. With the online classes I can do 3 live sessions and add in pre recorded ones if I miss any live ones. It has made such a difference to my strength, mobility and sense of focus. Lou is a great teacher and the classes are well structured to incorporate Mindfulness, meditation and wellbeing.’

How the Membership Works

There will be eight classes to choose from throughout the week where we will explore these concepts and themes. Whether you prefer dynamic and flowing or gentle and restorative, I'm certain there will be a class to suit you.


All classes will be recorded and uploaded to the Members Only Area (read more below about this) within 24 hours of taking place so if you miss any you can catch up at a time suit you. PLUS if you go on holiday, you can still access the live classes or recordings from anywhere in the world (as long as you have internet of course!)


All live classes will take place via Zoom, an easy to use popular video conferencing platform. If you haven't used it before, don't worry it's easy to set up and I'll be on hand to guide you through any problems you may have.


Timetable of Classes

  • Mon 07.30-08.15 – Sunrise
  • Mon 18.30 -19.30 – Flow & Reflect
  • Mon 19.45-20.45 – Yin Yoga
  • Wed 09.30-10.30 – Gentle & Restorative
  • Wed 18.30-19.30 – Yin Yoga
  • Wed 19.45-21.00 – Flow & Reflect
  • Fri 07.30-08.15 – Sunrise
  • Sat 09.30-10.45 – Flow & Reflect

You can read about each individual class at THIS LINK but if you’re unsure which is right for you don’t hesitate to email me louise@woodlandyoga.co.uk.


Please Note:- There will be no live classes the week of 2 Nov, these classes will be sent to you as pre-recorded classes to practice at any time to suit you. 


Membership Options

There are 3 pricing options depending on how often you would like to attend, obviously the more classes you can do in a week, the more these concepts, principles and practices will percolate into your consciousness and become a part of your everyday life.


With monthly membership you will also have access to the following BONUSES:


  • Access to an Exclusive Members Only Area
  • 25% off Nourish & Nidra evenings
  • Access Early Bird Offers on workshops and retreats at any time
  • Heartwood Forest classes included in your membership


The Exclusive Members Only Area is where you can enjoy all recorded live classes, pre-recorded classes and my Mini Yoga Series which includes short practices for when time is tight and yoga nidras to help you sleep.


SINGLE MEMBERSHIP - Membership to Online Classes for 1 Person

Copper Beech- Enjoy 1 online class per week - £10 per week

Silver Birch - Enjoy 2 online classes per week - £12.50 per week

Golden Oak - Enjoy ALL online classes per week - £15.00 per week


HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP - Membership to Online Classes for 1 Household

Copper Beech - Enjoy 1 online class per week - £12.50 per week

Silver Birch - Enjoy 2 online classes per week - £15.00 per week

Golden Oak - Enjoy ALL online classes per week - £17.50 per week

Join Us!

‘How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose, if there were no winter in our year!’

~ Thomas Wentworth Higginson


If this sounds like the perfect way to follow the wisdom of winter instead of fighting against it, to explore your inner world, to connect back into what is important to you and create balance and ease in your life, then choose the pricing option below that suits your needs best.

If you have any questions I’d love to hear from you so don’t hesitate to get in touch - louise@woodlandyoga.co.uk


Your Questions Answered


Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about this program. If you find you have another query not answered here please don't hesitate to contact me - louise@woodlandyoga.co.uk

How is this different to other yoga classes?
My program is designed to take you gently and slowly into the deeper layers of the mind. Each week building on your understanding of the workings of the mind and the tools and techniques that you can use on and off your mat. The difference to regular yoga classes is that we focus on one particular emotion or area of the mind, as well as a physical focus in the body each week. You get to explore this theme for a whole week on and off the mat, building your awareness and focus.
Here’s a breakdown of each week:

Week 1 w/c 2 Nov - Introduction to Following the Wisdom of Winter

Week 2 w/c 9 Nov - Balance & Harmony

Week 3 w/c 16 Nov - Reflect, Release, Renew

Week 4 w/c 23 Nov - Clarity & Perspective

Week 5 w/c 30 Nov - Natural Flow & Ease

Week 6 w/c 7 Dec - Inner Glow

Week 7 w/c 14 Dec - Hibernation

Which class should I choose?
There are 4 different styles to choose from and how you choose will depend on whether you have practiced yoga before or not and what you would like to gain from your practice. If you are new to yoga or haven’t practiced in a while, I would suggest starting with the Sunrise Yoga, Monday evening Flow & Reflect, Gentle & Restorative and Yin Yoga.
If you are familiar with vinyasas then you’ll love the Flow & Reflect classes on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings and if you’re looking for more stillness, deep physical stretches and meditation techniques then Yin Yoga will be for you. Find the full timetable and description of each class HERE.
The beauty of a membership is that you can try them all and find your favourites!
Do I have to complete the programme?
No, you don’t have to complete the course. You will obviously benefit far more by completing the 7 weeks as it will build each week on the techniques and tools we can use to cultivate that inner happiness. You can also cancel your membership at any time.
What happens if I miss a class?
No problem if you miss a class as they will be added to the members area where you can practice them at any time.
Will all the classes be online?
Yes all of the classes will be online but I plan to hold the Wednesday 09.30 and Saturday 09.30 classes in the forest when the weather allows. If you can't attend you can still practice with us as these will be live streamed to Zoom and recorded.

N.B. Your membership includes Heartwood Classes, you just need to book in advance so I know how many people to expect.
How does the Members Only Area work?
When you become a member you can enjoy all recorded live classes, my Mini Yoga Series and yoga nidras to help you sleep. These are all accessed via a secure Members Only Area and updated regularly with new practices (live recorded classes are uploaded within 24hrs, often much quicker).

As a member you also have access to the following BONUSES:

  • 25% off Nourish & Nidra evenings
  • Access Early Bird Offers on workshops and retreats at any time
  • Heartwood Forest classes included in your membership

Have you got some testimonials about your online classes?
You can read a range of testimonials on my Facebook page HERE (click ‘Most Recent’ so you read the latest ones) but here’s a couple that really stands out for me:

‘The online classes are one of the positives I will remember from this time! They help me find a state of calm, better sleep, reduce anxiety and give me energy. I’ve gone from one practice a week to a daily practice and it’s something I will continue.
The monthly subscription is great value and I recommend Lou highly- always welcoming and every class is easily adapted to suit what you can achieve and what your body needs. There’s no pressure, no judgement- just kindness, peace and support.’
~ Finola McManus
‘I have been attending Louise’s classes for a few years now and they are an important (essential) part of the rhythm of my week. During this lockdown period, the online classes are a nourishing pause, a place of familiarity and a reassurance that all is well and will be well. I leave the classes feeling re-connected and at peace.’
~Alex McIntyre
What do I need to begin?
You will need a yoga mat and comfortable clothing that you can easily move around in, PJ’s work well for this! For some of the classes you will need some props, but we have been experimenting with household pillows, cushions and blankets in place of traditional yoga props. I will let you know at the beginning of class what you need.
How do I sign-up?
Choose the level of membership that you would like to sign-up for. This will depend on how many classes you would like to take in a week and if there are other people in your household that would like to join. The breakdown of pricing structures is below.
Once you have chosen, click the appropriate link below and I will send you all the info you need.
Pricing Structure:

Enjoy 1 class per week - £10
Enjoy 2 classes per week - £12.50
Enjoy ALL classes per week - £15.00
Enjoy 1 class per week - £12.50
Enjoy 2 classes per week - £15.00
Enjoy ALL classes - £17.50
Other questions?
If you have any other questions that are not answered here, then feel free to contact me on louise@woodlandyoga.co.uk.



Sign-up to receive all the latest news and offers from Woodland Yoga and be the first to hear about our regular classes, workshops and retreats. You can unsubscribe at anytime and I will never sell your personal information.

Woodland Yoga

Connect with Nature through Yoga


Upcoming Offerings

Nourish & Nidra

Fri 8 Jan, 19.30-21.00

Winter Solstice Celebration

Sun 13 Dec 11.00-13.00

Online Yoga Classes

Throughout the week





Sandridge Village, St Albans, AL4 9DQ



St Albans, AL4 9DD



Panshanger Lane, Hertford, SG14 2NA

Copyright @ All Rights Reserved by Woodland Yoga 2020

Get in Touch


Whatever your enquiry or comment, I’m always happy to hear from you. Please contact me on any of the methods listed below.

E: louise@woodlandyoga.co.uk

T: 07459 112675