Wisdom of Nature



NEW PROGRAM 27 July-5 Sept 2020



New Program of Yoga and Meditation

Nature has long held a fascination for me. Its beauty, its resilience, its ability to make me pause in wonder and its never-ending wisdom that it offers. For that reason, I am excited to announce a brand-new program I am launching that will take place from the end of July until early Sept (6 weeks).


Calling in the Wisdom of Nature will be a journey of discovery held over 6 weeks and bring together the ancient teachings of yoga and meditation, the wisdom of nature and your amazing self-transforming brain that you can shape to create long lasting happiness and contentment.


Using the five elements of the earth as a basis, I will share with you how nature has influenced my self-development over the past 20 years or so. I have been incredibly fortunate to spend that time in a career that focused on wildlife conservation and I spent a great deal of time in the presence of nature. I will share how it helped me uncover my natural essence and bring to the surface my innate ability to live a life full of joy, ease, fulfilment, and peace.


I am also excited to say that some of the classes will take place at Heartwood Forest when the weather allows, where we will be able to physically connect into the wisdom of nature. These classes will also be live streamed via Zoom so when you can’t make it in person you will still be able to practice live with us (see full details below).

Here's what you can expect each week:

Week 1, w/c 27 July - Intro to Calling in the Wisdom of Nature

‘Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better’

~ Albert Einstein


Nature has the ability to pause our busy minds, to stop us in our tracks and show us that magic and beauty is all around. We intrinsically know nature is good for us and when we allow it in, it has the power to open our hearts and nourish our souls. This week’s classes will be an introduction to the program, the five elements, the way they interact with one another and within us, and how nature can show us the way home.


Week 2, w/c 3 Aug - Practice, Pause and Pace (Earth)

‘Adopt the pace of Nature, her secret is patience’

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


The Earth element helps us to feel stable and rooted, grounded in our own inner knowing and self-confidence. For me, this element is a reminder to pause, to go slower when I feel myself rushing ahead for no apparent reason and to create a practice that is nourishing and promotes the rest and digest mode of the body, so important in our stress-filled world.


During this week we will use the breath as a way to relax the body, we will practice poses that allow us to feel deeply rooted like a big old oak tree and then able to brave all sorts of storms and struggles and we will explore how we can bring these qualities into everyday life.


Week 3, w/c 10 Aug - Resilience and Grace (Water)

‘Allow Nature’s peace to flow into you as sunshine flows into trees’

~ John Muir


The water element can be strong, yet soft and fluid and teach us to recognise the resilience, grace and flow that lives within us naturally. Our minds are wired to see only the negative aspects of our life, but we can use this element to turn the tide on destructive thought patterns and welcome in the positivity that is all around.


Our physical practice will be all about fluid movements, oceanic breath and tapping into our emotional bodies so we can honour our intuition and follow our passions in life.


Week 4, w/c 17 Aug - Growth and Change (Fire)

“And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to bloom”

~ Anais Nin


Fire brings radiance, transformation and ultimately growth and change. For most of us, change is unsettling and provokes the sympathetic mode (fight, flight, freeze mode) of the nervous system. Our brains are wired to maintain stability at all costs, yet nature knows that change is inevitable, and she embraces the opportunities that it brings.


During this week we will explore poses and breath work that strengthen our core and create internal heat so we can tap into our innate qualities of compassion, joyfulness, and enthusiasm.


Week 5, w/c 24 Aug - Perspective and Appreciation (Wind)

Man’s heart away from Nature becomes hard’

~ Standing Bear


Clear communication, self-expression and love are all associated with the wind element in yoga. Here we will focus on how we can gain perspective on our thoughts, emotions and ultimately on our actions, decision making and how we move forward in life.


This week we will use balanced breathing and heart opening sequences that connect us to the inner delight, freedom, positivity, and wisdom that lives inside us.


Week 6, w/c 31 Aug - Magic in every Moment (Space)

‘Go out, I beg you and taste the beauty of the wild. Behold the miracle of the Earth with all the wonder of a child’

~ Edna Jacques


Often the busyness of life makes us lose sight of the magic and wonder that is all around us and within us, we forget that it’s a small miracle that you and I even exist. We will conclude our program with an exploration of space that contains all the other elements, is the source of our intuition and higher wisdom and power, the light within that is our true nature. I will also share with you tangible, take-home practices that you can use on and off your mat.

More about Louise Neicho

I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years and teaching for 8 and have completed around 1000hrs of teacher training. I can honestly say that yoga has saved my life on more than one occasion and I don’t think I would be the person I am today if it wasn’t for my practice. Nature is also my constant companion, my source of support and inspiration, always present, giving and non-judgemental. My fascination with the human brain has also started to seep into my practice and teachings and I’m excited to be embarking on an MSc in Mindfulness and Neuroscience this September. To bring all of this together is simply a dream come true and I hope you will join me on this unique and special journey this summer.

Here’s what others are saying about Louise’s teachings


~ Karolina Joiner

‘Thank you so much for what you offer. I am really appreciating the practical instruction you give, the gentle and caring delivery and the words which accompany each lesson. All of these work so beautifully together on the body and mind allowing me to take care of me.


As a carer, I really appreciate the many options available to me - varied times, type of delivery (live & recorded), lengths of practice and the possibility to carry on my own yoga practice in the members area as this allows me to attend classes if I miss and also to pause and restart the recording if needed. Thank you again very much.’


‘I am now in month six of my yoga practice. It is the only yoga class I have ever stuck to, incredible considering the context we were in this year. The classes have been a wonderful balance of discovering the physical sensations of yoga alongside meditation and mindfulness.


~ Liza Timpson

'At points during Covid 19 the breathing techniques were my survival throughout the week. Even as things ease, I can see enormous physical benefits and understand myself more. I really look forward to the online sessions and still feel connected to a community. The latter is created by Louise who has been fantastic at developing her clients’ ability. Even though we haven’t seen her face to face in recent months she still knows the participants.


The classes are gold dust. We are lucky to have her and I look forward to how the classes evolve in the future.'


~ Rhona McDonald

‘I've been really drawn to  the idea that through yoga we can strengthen our minds as well as our bodies; the 'Awakening to your True Nature' programme focuses on helping to accept that life isn't always perfect, that there will always be storms to weather, but we can grow stronger in mind, body and self-belief through our physical practice and in growing a compassionate attitude to ourselves first and foremost.’


~ Kirsty Watt

Woodland yoga has been the absolute silver lining of lockdown - doing a really busy job, long hours in the laptop hasn’t been great for body nor mind and I'm actually feeling better in both ways than for some time - a lot due to the opportunity to practice yoga regularly when I had lapsed. Louise is just the best.’


~ Finola McManus

‘What I love best about your classes is that they not only give the benefit of a yoga practice but also deliver simple and practical ways to apply the weekly themes and  help support mental wellbeing -which is especially important at this time.’

How the Membership Works

There will be eight classes to choose from throughout the week where we will explore these concepts and themes. Whether you prefer dynamic and flowing or gentle and restorative, I'm certain there will be a class to suit you.


Some of these classes will take place at Heartwood Forest when the weather allows but all will be live streamed via Zoom so you can decide which suits you best. See timetable below and HERE.


All classes will be recorded and uploaded to the Members Only Area (read more below about this) within 24 hours of taking place so if you miss any you can catch up at a time suit you.

PLUS if you go on holiday, you can still access the live classes or recordings from anywhere in the world (as long as you have internet of course!)


Timetable of Classes

  • Mon 07.30-08.15 – Sunrise, Online via Zoom only
  • Mon 18.30 -19.30 – Flow & Reflect, Heartwood when weather allows + online via Zoom
  • Mon 19.45-20.45 – Yin Yoga, Heartwood when weather allows + online via Zoom
  • Wed 09.30-10.30 – Gentle & Restorative, Heartwood when weather allows + online via Zoom
  • Wed 18.30-19.30 – Yin Yoga, Heartwood when weather allows + online via Zoom
  • Wed 19.45-21.00 – Flow & Reflect, Heartwood when weather allows + online via Zoom
  • Fri 07.30-08.15 – Sunrise, Online via Zoom only
  • Sat 09.30-10.45 – Flow & Reflect, Heartwood when weather allows + online via Zoom


You can read about each individual class at THIS LINK but if you’re unsure which is right for you don’t hesitate to email me louise@woodlandyoga.co.uk.


Please Note:- There will be no live classes the week of 27 July, these classes will be sent you as pre-recorded classes to practice at any time to suit you and no live classes Bank Holiday Monday 31 August.


Membership Options

There are 3 pricing options depending on how often you would like to attend, obviously the more classes you can do in a week, the more these concepts, principles and practices will percolate into your consciousness and become a part of your everyday life.


With monthly membership you will also have access to the following BONUSES:


  • Access to an Exclusive Members Only Area
  • 25% off Nourish & Nidra evenings
  • Access Early Bird Offers on workshops and retreats at any time
  • Heartwood Forest classes included in your membership


The Exclusive Members Only Area is where you can enjoy all recorded live classes, pre-recorded classes and little bonuses throughout the month, such as short practices for when time is tight and yoga nidras to help you sleep.


SINGLE MEMBERSHIP - Membership to Online Classes for 1 Person

Copper Beech- Enjoy 1 online class per week - £10 per week

Silver Birch - Enjoy 2 online classes per week - £12.50 per week

Golden Oak - Enjoy ALL online classes per week - £15.00 per week


HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP - Membership to Online Classes for 1 Household

Copper Beech - Enjoy 1 online class per week - £12.50 per week

Silver Birch - Enjoy 2 online classes per week - £15.00 per week

Golden Oak - Enjoy ALL online classes per week - £17.50 per week


*see list below for which classes will be available in the forest when the weather allows.

Heartwood Forest Classes

When the weather and sunset times allow, we will hold the classes below in the forest. These will also be live streamed via Zoom.


  • Monday 18.30-19.30 Flow & Reflect
  • Monday 19.45-20.45 Yin Yoga
  • Wednesday 09.30-10.30 Gentle & Restorative
  • Wednesday 18.30-19.30 Yin Yoga
  • Wednesday 19.45-21.00 Flow & Reflect
  • Saturday 09.30-10.30 Flow & Reflect


Please note the following important information for classes at Heartwood:

  • When you become a member, you will receive an email each week confirming which classes will go ahead at Heartwood. You will then have a choice whether to practice at home or book an in-person space.
  • You must book in advance as space will be limited and no cash will be taken (bookings are non-transferable and non-refundable).
  • You will need to bring all your own equipment.
  • Mats must be spaced 2m apart.
  • Only verbal adjustments will be offered.
  • There are no toilet facilities at Heartwood so please arrive ready to go straight into class and bring your own hand sanitiser.
  • Please do not book or attend in-person classes if you are feeling unwell, have a continuous cough or fever.


Live Streamed Zoom Classes

All live classes will take place via Zoom, an easy to use popular video conferencing platform. If you haven't used it before, don't worry it's easy to set up and I'll be on hand to guide you through any problems you may have.


Join us

‘Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.’  ~ John Muir


If this sounds like the perfect way to celebrate summer, to connect back into what is important to you and give yourself some time and space to explore the inner workings of your mind so you can create long lasting happiness and ease, then choose the pricing option below that suits your needs best.


If you have any questions I’d love to hear from you so don’t hesitate to get in touch - louise@woodlandyoga.co.uk



Sign-up to receive all the latest news and offers from Woodland Yoga and be the first to hear about our regular classes, workshops and retreats. You can unsubscribe at anytime and I will never sell your personal information.

Woodland Yoga

Connect with Nature through Yoga


Upcoming Offerings

Nourish & Nidra

Fri 2 October, 19.30-21.00

Autumn Equinox

Sun 20 Sept 11.00-13.00

Online Yoga Classes

Throughout the week





Sandridge Village, St Albans, AL4 9DQ



St Albans, AL4 9DD



Panshanger Lane, Hertford, SG14 2NA

Copyright @ All Rights Reserved by Woodland Yoga 2020

Get in Touch


Whatever your enquiry or comment, I’m always happy to hear from you. Please contact me on any of the methods listed below.

E: louise@woodlandyoga.co.uk

T: 07459 112675