Imbolc Day Retreat



SUNDAY 26 JANUARY 2020 10.00-16.00




The Ancient Celtic Wheel of the Year gives us the opportunity to connect more deeply to Nature and the seasons so that we can create an ease and flow in our everyday living.

At Woodland Yoga we celebrate the well know Solstice and Equinox, also know as Solar Festivals. See the Spring Equinox Awakening Workshop page for our next event.

In between these festivals we celebrate the lesser known Fire Festivals with a whole Day Retreat. Our next one on Sun 26 January 2020 will be based around Imbolc the time of new beginnings, snowdrops, the very first faint stirrings of the spring to come.

This retreat will give you the time and space to be nurtured and supported so that you can consider your own new beginnings and spark of new life and inspiration. Generate the clarity and space to launch into 2020 feeling vibrant and connected to your deepest desires.

The turning of the seasons gives us the opportunity to recognise and honour new beginnings in the midst of endings.

Taking time out from the material world is essential to keep mind-body-spirit balanced and healthy. Making your wellbeing a priority will keep you feeling replenished and vibrant ready for the shorter days ahead. As we learn to keep in harmony with the seasons we naturally encourage a flow and ease to return.

This day retreat will be filled with:

  • energising and awakening flowing yoga practices
  • meditative yin yoga and restorative postures to relax and heal the body
  • pranayama and chanting to awaken the bodies subtle energies
  • mindful barefoot walking in the forest to connect with Mother Earth
  • delicious homemade healthy lunch 
  • mindfulness techniques that you can take away to integrate into your life
  • deep yoga nidra session which will be recorded so you can develop a home practice

No experience necessary, just a love of Nature and the outdoors!


Sunday 26 January 2020



Sandridge Village Hall for the main practice

Heartwood Forest for

the mindful walking


Loose comfortable cothing

Warm layers for the afternoon walk

Yoga mat




£65 if booked and paid before 31 Dec 2019

£75 after